<ong>Workers hit gas line
Last Friday, while working to connect the electrical system leading to the Arts Union, work crews accidentally hit a gas line in front of Johnson House, causing the building to be evacuated. Admissions staff were placed outside directing prospective students and their families to alternate locations while Johnson House was closed.
Northfield Fire Department reported to help as a precautionary measure.Despite the disruption, the problem was solved quickly. Crews from the gas company arrived and the all clear was reported to the campus at 10:41 a.m.
Detour on First Street
Starting Monday there will be a detour on First Street at the corner of College Street. The detour is so that that workers can connect electrical service for the Arts Union to the rest of the campus. College Street will remain open during the duration of the work. There will also not be any work started until after the Inauguration weekend so the detour should not affect traffic flow for this weekends events.