<ter pipe burst in the East Dining Hall this morning, closing the facility for meals for the weekend until the pipe can be repaired. Students awoke on Saturday morning to find this e-mail from Dan Bergeson, Director of Auxiliary Services and Special Projects, in their inbox:
“During breakfast this morning, a water pipe burst in East Dining Hall and rendered the facility unusable for food production pending repairs and cleanup. Dining Services has the capacity to produce enough food in Burton Dining Hall for all students and we’re asking everyone to join us at Burton for all meals on both Saturday and Sunday beginning with lunch today. Doors will open at 10:30 for lunch and the schedule for the rest of the weekend will be posted at Burton and on the Dining Services website, http://go.carleton.edu/dining.
For those who haven’t eaten at Burton before (we know that there are some of you!) there are two entrances to the dining hall, one through the Burton front door and one in Severance at the bottom of the main staircase by the Office of Residential Life. If both seating areas in Burton are full when you arrive, additional seating is available in Great Space and Upper Sayles. Great Hall is being used for Volunteer at Carleton this weekend.”