< the Carletonian Editor,
As a Carl, the Chair of the Cannon Valley Alumni Club, a Co-agent of my Class and a Board Member of the Alumni Annual Fund, I have always been proud of being a Carleton grad and happy to represent all Carls.
I have just had the opportunity of reading the April 25 “Carletonian” with inserts. I am very disappointed in the majority of the content [in the insert The Carl], including the puerile potty talk and the “to shock” efforts with salacious sexual commentary. This is not what one what would expect from our well-educated Carls, nor is this how or what we would like to be presented to the population at large, definitely not very mature. Don’t let a few ignormasses affect how the majority of you are judged.
Obviously, since this is a letter not in praise of your publication, it runs the risk of not being published, but I hope the Editorial Staff has the moral fortitude to publish these comments and take a hard look at and evaluate how you want yourselves and your publication perceived. These comments are written with the best interests of all students in mind.