Spring Term has welcomed 1,620 Carleton students to campus and, despite the increased number of on-campus students compared to last term, course mode distribution remains fairly consistent with previous terms. Compared to the Fall and Winter Terms of this year, an analysis of this spring’s course listings on the Hub shows that course distribution has remained unwavering in offering just under two-thirds of classes fully online. However, this distribution varies between departments as many discussion-based, computer science and language classes tend to be online while other forms of courses may require an in-person component.
In line with previous terms of the 2020-2021 academic year, Carleton is offering courses in completely online, hybrid, mixed-mode and face-to-face formats. Students on campus can elect to enroll in any of these options, while students who are studying away from campus can only enroll in online or mixed-mode courses.
Of the 346 courses being offered this spring, about 62% are online, 17% are hybrid, 7% are face-to-face, and 13% are mixed mode. This marks a fairly consistent proportion of online, hybrid and mixed-mode classes as well as a small decrease in face-to-face classes when compared to previous terms.
However, there has been an increase in the number of full-credit courses that students can take in person. In contrast to the 13 total face-to-face six-credit classes that were offered in the winter, 21 are available in person during Spring Term. However, like previous terms, most face-to-face courses are offered in the form of comps work, labs, music classes and other courses that are fewer than six credits.
The Carletonian’s data does not include physical education classes or music lessons. This analysis does include all other courses listed on the HUB, regardless of number of credits.