Friday, Apr. 13
11:30 am An unlocked bicycle was reported stolen from the Burton Hall area.
Saturday, Apr. 14
12:05 am A student was discovered in an inappropriate location in the act of contemplating an inappropriate activity.
1:00 am A student was discovered in an inappropriate location doing a chivalrous deed.
Monday, Apr. 16
9:45 pm Two students were discovered in an inappropriate location not doing anything at all.
Wednesday, Apr. 18.
2:10 am A fire alarm was reported at Laird Hall. Defective smoke detector. No fire.
6:15 pm A fire alarm was reported at Musser Hall. Burned food. No fire.
10:10 pm Students were observed in a very dangerous and inappropriate location doing who knows what.
On a serious note… There are many locations on campus that are, in most circumstances, off limits to all of us, simply because they are not safe places to be. I trust you know the spots I speak of. Please resist the temptation. Thanks.
— Randy Atchison, Security Services