Appleman awarded for book on education
Deborah Appleman, the Chair of Educational Studies at Carleton, recently won the 2010 CEE Richard A.Meade Award For Research in English Education. The award is to recognize published research related to English/Language Arts teacher development. Appleman won the award for her book “Critical Encounters in High School English: Teaching Literary Theory to Adolescents.” The award will be announced at the 2010 National Council of Teachers of English Convention on November 19 as part of the Conference on English Education Luncheon.
College awarded Mellon grant
This past July, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded Carleton College a yearlong grant totaling $53,286 to address the College’s approach to global engagement in the liberal arts. The grant allows the College to study how global issues are integrated throughout the curriculum.
The project officially began September 7, 2010 at the faculty retreat, where discussions were held. The talks focused on four main areas; connections among disciplinary and area studies programs, integration of off-campus studies, relationship of global engagement in the College’s new curriculum, and how the College can organize such studies in a sustainable manner.
This project will be conducted in three phases. The first, taking place this fall, involves small faculty discussions. In the winter, a few working groups will be created to propose models for integrating global engagement at Carleton. Lastly, in the spring, the groups will come together and decide on one model and devise a plan to implement the model. For more information refer to the GEI website,