The following student organizations received funding:
Coalition of Hmong Students ($230), Singapore Club ($230), Experimental Theater Board ($975), The One Knight Stand ($70), Coalition of Women of Color ($6174)
Please refer to the Budget Committee minutes for further information.
Congratulations to the following students appointed to committees!
John O’Neil (Education and Curriculum Committee)
The following bylaw changes were approved
K) The Town Hall Fund shall be used exclusively by the CSA Senate to fund all-campus town hall meetings, which shall occur once a term. These open meetings of the CSA shall be used to educate and gather the opinions of the CSA on current topics of interest.
1) These funds will amount to $1800 each year and should be used for food, advertising, and other associated costs.
2) The Town Hall Fund will be overseen by the Treasurer and the CSA Senate. The funds can be allocated with a simple majority vote of the body, and overturned by a two-thirds majority.
Natural/Organic Product Vending Machine
CSA is looking to install healthy vending machines on campus that will sell organic and natural snacks through energy efficient machines. CSA Senators will continue to work on this project.
Environmental Advisory Committee
Construction on the second wind turbine will begin this spring!
CSA Town Hall Meeting:
This Wednesday 6:30 p.m.-8:00 the Great Hall (Dinner will be provided)!!!
CSA Senator Office Hours
Please feel free to stop by the CSA Office, located in the Student Activities Office, for any of the following office hours. You can ask questions about funding, your student organization, or even let us know if there’s something you’d like us to work on!