Thursday, January 14
– 12:40 a.m., Security transported one ill student and two of her friends to the hospital.
– 2:50 p.m., a student questioned by Security provided false information to a college official, which is in violation of the student code of conduct.
– 11:55 p.m., Security responded to one of the dorms on the complaint of a marijuana smell. Drug paraphernalia was confiscated and turned over to the Northfield Police.
Friday, January 15
– 4:40 p.m., some confusion at the post office resulted in some very beautiful flowers being delivered incorrectly. Security was able to track the path of the flowers and they were given to the correct person.
– 7:02 p.m., Security transported an ill student to the hospital.
Saturday, January 16
– 12:25 a.m., Security assisted a Hall Director in breaking up a large party in Goodhue.
– 12:25 a.m., Security caught some individuals smoking marijuana near a residence hall. The drug paraphernalia was turned over to the police and a stay off Carleton property letter was issued.
– 1:20 a.m., Security took a report of a missing person. All ended well.
– 4:35 a.m., Security responded to a residence hall to check on an intoxicated individual. The intoxicated person was left in the care of a friend.
Sunday, January 17
– 1:00 a.m., Security responded to an off campus house to check on a broken window. The shop was called in to board up the window.
Monday, January 18
– 6:20 a.m., an ill student was transported to the hospital by Security.
Tuesday, January 19
– 2:50 a.m., another ill student was transported to the hospital by Security.
– 6:10 p.m., a student who had fallen on the ice and suffered a cut was transported to the hospital by Security.
Wednesday, January 20
– 6:05 p.m., another student fell on the ice while playing broom ball and needed to be transported to Northfield urgent care for stitches.
-Jim Bushey, Security Services