Wednesday, September 23
– 7:47 p.m. Security transported a student with flu like symptoms to the Northfield Hospital.
Thursday, September 24
– 1:45 a.m. Security responded to Evans Hall because of a noise complaint. Very loud music got the attention of a Res. Life staff member and Security was called.
– 7:40 p.m. Two Northfield residents were caught by Security attempting to dump their trash in one of the College dumpsters. The police were called and stay off letters were issued.
Friday, September 25
– 3:27 a.m. A student attempting to turn popcorn into charcoal caused the fire alarm to go off at Evans Hall. Security responded and silenced and reset the system.
– 7:18 p.m. Security responded to Memorial Hall for a fire alarm. Burned bread in third floor oven was the cause of the alarm.
Sunday, September 27
– 2:10 a.m. A burned steak on 4th Nourse caused the building fire alarm to go off. Security vented the area and reset the system.
– 8:25 p.m. Security took a theft report from one of the off campus houses. Some food items were taken from the house.
Monday, September 28
– 10:35 p.m. Security responded to Faculty Club for a fire alarm. No problem could be found, the system was reset.
Wednesday, September 30
– 2:57 p.m. Security took a report of an attempted break in at Davis Hall. A person gained access to a locked room and when confronted by the room’s resident the person fled.
– 4:40 p.m. Security took a theft report. A student had their backpack taken while they were in the bookstore.