Senate exists to represent you! Here are some of the questions we tackled this week.
Apply to take a temporary seat on CSA Senate!
· CSA Senate will have open seats next term due to outgoing students.
· There will be four CSA Senator positions appointed for one term, and two College Council positions.
Student Activity Fee
· The SASF is being implemented to help students from low-income backgrounds.
· There will be applications available next year for students who need help paying the Student Activity Fee.
· The financial aid office will review the applications, and students who qualify will be given a $150 discount on the Student Activity Fee.
· The financial aid office will review the applications, and students who qualify will be given a $150 discount on the Student Activity Fee.
What changes are being made to the Constitution and Bylaws?
· The Constitutional Review Board has recommended changes to the bylaws and constitution.
· Language for the Green Fund, which will support the “greening” of student funded activities, was inserted into the bylaws.
· The Student Leadership Council was created to foster communication between student leaders across campus.
· Last year, senate put changes to the constitution the ballot for spring elections. Unfortunately, they were not approved because too few students voted on it. This year they will be on the ballot again.
CSA Senate Agenda, Monday, February 30, 2009, 7pm, Sayles-Hill 251
7:00 Call to Order
7:05-7:15 Budget Committee Recommendations
7:15-7:40 Review of Constitution and Bylaw Changes
7:40-8:00 Review of Elections Task Force Guidelines
8:00-8:05 Open Comment Period
8:05 Potential Adjournment
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