The Bald Spot believes the classic platitude that bigger is indeed better. Due to printing changes, the Carletonian has exactly five inches more space and chaos per page. This might not seem like a huge increase, but we assure you that five inches can make a huge difference.
◉ 5 inches taller and you could be a model ◉ 5 inches is one inch over Carleton’s knife policy ◉ 5 inches would be a significant muscle gain ◉ 5 inches is an acceptable height difference in a relationship◉ 5 inches is really long for a finger◉ 5 inches of snow is nothing for Minnesota◉ 5 inches makes heels hard to walk in◉ 5 inches is 1 and ⅔ post-it notes◉ 5 INCHES IS AVERAGE◉ 5 more inches and Watson triples would be liveable◉ 5 more inches and the beds would be comfortable◉ 5 more inches is how we fit this article in