Thrleton College Africana Studies — formerly African/African-American Studies — Program hired a new faculty member, Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly. Dr. Burden-Stelly began teaching this term in Africana Studies and the Department of Political Science. As the Director of Africana Studies, Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg said the impetus to conduct a national search for new faculty came from the need for more scholars “classically-trained in Africana Studies in an interdisciplinary-fashion.” Dr. Feldman-Savelsberg and those on the hiring committee selected a handful of applicants to interview for the position. Among these select few was Dr. Burden-Stelly. Dr. Burden-Stelly earned her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Her expertise includes Black radical political thought, political theory, critical theory, political economy, and globalization and economic development. Prior to joining the Carleton community, Dr. Burden-Stelly had completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of African-American Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Classically-trained in African-American Studies, Dr. Burden-Stelly has taught courses at Amherst College, the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Last spring, Dr. Burden Stelly lectured at Carleton in the Political Science course “Post-Modern Political Theory.” Using the work of Tony Perucci and Michel Foucault, she presented the use of psychoanalysis to project madness onto communists and fellow travelers, such as radical international activist Paul Robeson, during the Cold War. She is currently teaching “Black Revolution on Campus.” In the spring, she will be teaching “Black Radical Political Thought, 1991-1969” in the Department of Political Science. As a political economist, Dr. Burden-Stelly says she hopes to offer an “alternative framework” of thought in considering structural and material conditions in the Black experience. She encourages students interested in learning theoretical and structural approaches to Black Studies to engage in her courses. Students also gave their perspective on the new faculty. A SOAN major and double minor in Africana Studies and Women and Gender Studies, Maya Kassahun ’19 hopes the addition to the program will “better establish” and increase the reach of the program across the student body. Similarly, as the Student Departmental Advisor for the program and Africana Studies minor, Lucy Pappachristou ’18, hopes Dr. Burden-Stelly’s presence in the Africana Studies department will further develop the discipline, and “create scholars and good citizens.” Dr. Burden-Stelly already seems to be fulfilling students’ hopes. Jorge Banuelos ’20 is currently taking “Black Revolution on Campus”, and attended Dr. Burden-Stelly’s introductory lecture, “Radicalism, Reaction, and Africana Studies,” held in the library Athenaeum last fall term. Sharing his enriching research experience on Afro-pessimism as Dr. Burden-Stelly’s Student Research Partner over winter break. He said Dr. Burden-Stelly’s expertise in the foundational theory of Black Studies is fitting for the development of the Africana Studies program, and he looks forward to taking more of her classes. As a scholar with, according to Director Feldman-Savelsberg, a “sharp and associative mind” and astounding ability to make connections “quickly and meaningfully,” Dr. Burden-Stelly hopes her research and expertise will provide students with understanding and tools in approaching the reality of “deteriorating material conditions for racialized and oppressed peoples.” On that note, it is with great pleasure that the Carleton community welcomes Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly.