This time of year any empty space inside seems to fill up quickly. This is extremely true at Carleton’s recreation facilities. On an average day, both the Rec Center and Cowling can see around 30 different groups or individuals request space. Although the crunch for time and space at Carleton’s indoor facilities seems like a lot now, Mikki Showers, Manager of the Recreation Center, insists it is comparable to years past.
As Rec Center Manager, one of Showers’ main jobs is to try and fit in every group that wants space at one of the Rec centers on campus. Showers said, “It is tricky trying to fit everyone in, there is no doubt about it.” However, our diligent recreation staff certainly is able to accommodate all the different reservations. These groups include varsity athletic teams, club and IM sports, dance groups, and classes that run at the Rec.
With all of these different groups requesting time, the natural question to ask is who gets priority for Rec and Cowling time. From 8-3:30, Carleton gives priority to P.E. classes, from 3:30-8 priority goes to varsity sports and from 8-11 the priority goes to intramural and club sports.
With such a packed schedule, some teams have to practice at odd times. Most often teams that need multiple courts at the Recreation Center practice in the early morning or late at night in order to get the space. This year especially, Frisbee has been holding early morning practices in order to get all 4 courts for their practices.
Other than devoting specific parts of the day to different groups, the Rec Center also tries to fit as many groups in as possible by limiting reservations to 90 minutes and cutting down on transition time between groups.
The Recreation staff devotes lots of its resources to organized sports and recreation at Carleton, but also tries to keep options open for any individual who wants to workout. Mikki Showers said “We do try and have an open court as much as possible between Cowling and the Rec, so if someone wants to shoot around or blow off some steam, they can. We try to make that happen.”
Because of all of the Carleton teams and programs requesting recreation space, Carleton does not rent our athletic space to the Northfield community during the academic year. Showers said that for the Carleton Recreation Department, “our focus remains on students, faculty, staff and the Carleton community.”
However, over winter break and spring break, Carleton does rent out space to outside groups including teams from Northfield High School and other basketball camps/clinics.
With this crunch for space and time, it may come as a surprise that there have not been many complaints about a lack of space at any of the Carton athletic facilities. However this is likely due to the fact that the Recreation staff works very hard to make sure that everyone on campus who wants a place to workout has one. And although it can be tough to fit everyone in, Showers believes that “we have it pretty good because we do have four facilities.”
The Recreation Department also insists they are open to student’s opinions and welcomes any suggestions about the time and space crunch. Showers said “some of our best ideas have been suggestions from others.”