AM: Where are you from? CK: Spring Grove, MN.
AM: How did you get connected with Carleton? CK: 2003 Alumnae (played both basketball & volleyball)… one of my older sisters, Keely (Glasrud) Mandel graduated in 1996.
AM: Do you have any kids or family? CK: I am married to Chris Kosiba and just gave birth to my first child, Calvin, on September 27th this year.
AM: Favorite movie? CK:I’m a sucker for a good romantic comedy.
AM: Favorite book? CK: Anything written by Dan Brown.
AM: Favorite song? CK: Anything by Alicia Keys or Frank Sinatra
AM: Favorite food? CK: I could eat a BIG salad with lots of veggies, nuts and cheese anytime of the day, every day.
AM: If you could live in any city in the world it would be… CK: Anywhere in Italy, but if I get to be picky, Lake Como. It’s quaint and beautiful.
AM: Favorite basketball team? CK: The Knights, of course!
AM: Favorite basketball player? CK: I like to follow teams, more than I do individual players. When I’m not watching our own game film, I like to watch other college basketball teams, especially those that share the ball well.
AM: Favorite sport other than basketball? CK: I love to play volleyball but if all I’m doing is watching then I’d say Football.
AM: Favorite thing about coaching at Carleton? CK: I feel very fortunate to be able to teach and coach at my alma mater. Not many coaches have the opportunity to do that. I love that I get to work with bright student-athletes who value the opportunity to step on the court each day, rather than treat it like a job.
AM: A fun, interesting fact? CK: Prior to attending Carleton, I attended the United States Air Force Academy for 2 years. Despite not finishing out my education and career in the military, I wouldn’t change a thing about my past. The Air Force Academy taught me many lessons about teamwork, responsibility and discipline that I continue to use in my everyday life.