After much debate last Wednesday, the CSA Senate decided to continue with the outdoor basketball courts project, despite poor leadership and budgetary concerns. The Committee for Student Projects (CSP) had recommended the project approval be rescinded.
Last winter, roughly 40% of students voted in favor of building the new courts, far more than the 1/6th majority then needed to pass. Yet, for members of the CSP, the courts now seem fiscally irresponsible.
“At the end of last year, we had a $37,000 deficit in student organization accounts,” said Ben Strauss, Treasurer of the CSA. “The [project] definitely has merit, 40 percent of students want it, but does it have enough merit to justify another $30,000?”
Additionally, the project is hindered this year by the graduation of many seniors who were vocally in favor of the courts. No one in favor of the courts remains on the Committee for Student Projects. This means that although some attempts at implementation have been made, the project lacks necessary leadership.
“So far, two people have taken responsibility for the basketball court,” said CSP member Timothy Oliver in Wednesday’s meeting. “The first person met with the Director of the Student Activities Office and the Director of Recreational Activities. The second person met with the same two people. No progress has occurred on this project.”
However, the CSA ultimately decided that these issues did not warrant the rescindment of the project. Some CSA representatives worried that stopping the project would set a precedent where, if the CSP does not like something, they will be able to choose not do it, despite the passing vote by students.
According to Strauss, “The senate decided to continue with the basketball courts, recognizing that it does have its merits, and that a large portion of the student body does want it. The senate thinks it does warrant the high cost.”
Yet, CSA members voiced concerns that the plan for implementation is vague. There was a movement in last Wednesday’s CSA meeting to have students re-vote on the project in a new referendum this winter, with the intention of providing more details to students. However, this movement failed to pass. Instead, a new task force was formed that will work on refining the plan for implementation.
And, for students like Jeffrey Bissoy-Mattis ’16, it is important that the project be completed.
“My biggest frustration is that it’s tough to play basketball here, especially with all the club teams- it makes it hard for people who want to play just to relieve some stress. If you look at any other institution, there’s usually an outdoor basketball court. There’s a camaraderie that is built.”