Carleton is somewhat like a carrot. Often, it’s easy to see the luscious green foliage that the college promotes, but to truly savor this incredible place you’ve got to dig a little deeper. In this edition of Food For Thought, we offer you, fresh-people, some indispensable farm-inspired wisdom, so that you don’t miss out on that juicy carrot; the most meaningful experiences that Carleton has to offer.
“If farming isn’t for you, don’t become a farmer.” That means think about how YOU want to spend YOUR time at Carleton. What gives you energy, what makes you excited?
“Use your farmer’s almanac, the best farmers do their research.” If you are looking for new activities to be involved in at Carleton, just do a little research. Ask your friends what they’re involved in. Resources such as the campus calendar, the SAO club list, and department specific pages promote plenty of new and exciting opportunities – so keep your eyes open and consider your options. And never dedicate time to an activity that you really don’t enjoy.
“Don’t reinvent the wheel, improve it.” Be really prudent about starting your own organization. In order to support other students and potentially strengthen your own cause, try incorporating your ideas into more established organizations first (rather than creating another similar, special interest group on campus). This way you will have more support and more recognition if in fact, your project does blossom into a new campus club.
“The newest, freshest zucchini is the most flavorful.” New students have so much power, never forget that. You have important energy and perspective to bring to the table. You’d be surprised how many upperclassmen are scooping you out to fill their place or take on more leadership in organizations, so you should never be intimidated to respectfully voice your opinion.
“Channel your inner humble bumble(bee).” There are so many brilliant students here, don’t forget to listen and learn from others.
“While you might like the farm-life, don’t be scared of the big city.” Northfield and Faribault are awesome towns – let these places be your classroom as well. Don’t be afraid to explore, get lost in the Arb, bike somewhere beyond Division Street, and take local transit to a place you’ve never been. You’ll be surprised how much perspective you can gain from stepping out into the greater community.
“You are not the first nor last farmer in the world, find yourself a knowledgeable farm mentor.” Find a prof, staff member, or community member who you feel comfortable talking about your goals with. Share your dreams with them; they become all the more powerful if they are shared dreams. Many professors, staff, and community members will be in town for longer than you will likely be; listen to their advice, most of the time they know what’s up (even if sometimes its not what you want to hear).
“A plant under stress will never thrive.” DON’T WORRY SO MUCH – you’ll do it well if you care.