Appointment confirmations
The Senate unanimously approved all nominations for committees. Congratulations to all appointees:
Committee of Student Life: In Taek Hong, Becca Kilman
Senator-at-Large: Lauren Masterson
Budget Committee: Cooper Buss, Will Ladner, Rob Marks, S.S. Rishad
Governance Committee: Samir Bhala ,Kelsey Han
Budget Committee Recommendations
The CSA approved all Budget Committee Recommendations: Traffic Light Party ($275), Carleton Student Association ($750), Sexuality and Gender Activism ($3,000), Korean Students Association ($150), Chinese Club ($126), International Festival ($2,300), Ebony II ($1,231), Nova ($3,253), and Chase Kimball ($850).
Cafe Fast request
The CSA denied a Café Fast to Mortar Board, who wanted to fund food and drinks for Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day. A Café Fast was approved for SaGA, in an effort to help them fund the Hope Center of Minnesota.
Governance Committee approvals
The Governance Committee unanimously approved charters for the Mali Health Organization Project, Hot Karls, Leisure Fishing, and the Hill o’ Three Oaks Brewery.
LaundryView Update
Just a reminder, or a notice for those who do not know, LaundryView is up and running in the Complex laundry room. Check out for more details.
Installing OneCard Readers in Vending Machines
Senator Justin Moor updated the Senate on his push to install OneCard readers into all vending machines across campus. Due to the cost of each individual reader, it was determined that the issue be tabled for a later date.
Newspaper Readership presentation
CSA will continue to fund the Newspaper Readership Program, which provides newspapers such as the New York Times, USA Today and the Star Tribune to both dining halls. Senators expressed concerns over faculty and staff taking papers intended for students, as well as use of reread bins.
Education and Curriculum Committee
Senator Gabe Davis gave his presentation on the Education and Curriculum Committee to the Senate. Topics discussed were the new graduation requirements, SCrNC policy, AP/IB credit, and faculty responsiveness.
Town Hall Meeting update
Reminder: Alcohol at Carleton Town Hall Meeting will be held next Wednesday, April 21st at 6:30PM in the Great Hall.