CSA Senate Weekly Update for the Meeting held 02/02/2009
Here are some of the questions we asked this week:
• In addition to the at large senate seats, there will be elections for President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
• Senate is fun, exciting, and promotes healthy bones!
• Look at the CSA Website for more information apps.carleton.edu/orgs/csa/
Where can I discuss the new graduation requirements?
• The Moodle page discussing the graduation requirements has been updated with the proposals that the faculty are discussing. Feel free to comment.
What is the Initiative for Community, Equity, and Diversity (ICED) Leadership Board?
• It is the committee that will be continuing discussions which began in the Campus Climate Survey and the Diversity Initiative Group (DIG).
• The group will be focusing on how to improve the social environment at Carleton.
• CONTACT Sam Ritter (ritters) or Helen Ashton (ashtonh)
What can we do to make New Student Week better?
• Senate discussed the recommendations of the First Year Experience Task Force.
• The Task Force recommended that instead of being run by Campus Activities, it should be organized by a steering committee.
• The experience should extend beyond NSW into the first term.
• NSW may be integrated with new freshmen seminars.
• CONTACT: Nimo Ali (alin)
What is the Student Leadership Council?
• The Senate officers proposed a new council of students, each of which represented an administrative division of the college (CSL, OIL, etc.).
• The focus would be a) cohesion between peer leaders on campus, b) cross-group dialogue, and c) collaboration.
• CONTACT: Caitlin Fleming (flemingc)
Have a referendum question that you wanted added to this term’s ballot?
• Submit them by Sunday, Feb. 8th.
• CONTACT: Pablo Kenney (kenneyp)
Join us for a meeting. Every Monday, Sayles 251, 7PM. Help us represent you – tell us what you’re concerned about!
CSA Agenda, Monday, February 9, 2009, Sayles 251
7:00 Call to Order
Check out last week’s minutes here: https://apps.carleton.edu/orgs/csa/about/minutes/.
7:05-7:15 Budget Committee Recommendations
Check out this week’s minutes here: https://apps.carleton.edu/orgs/csa/bc/minutes/.
7:15-7:30 Campus Kitchen Resolution
We will be reviewing a recommendation of support for the Campus Kitchen Program.
7:30-7:45 Wellness Center Resolution
We will be reviewing recommendations regarding the recent Wellness Center Review.
7:45-7:55 Student Leadership Council Approval
We will review the proposal for the Student Leadership Council.
7:55-8:05 Referendum Question Reviw
All referendum questions will be reviewed before being placed on the ballot.
8:05-8:10 Elections Announcements
We will be announcing details of the upcoming election.
8:10-8:15 Open Comment Period
All are welcome to come and share their opinions!
8:15 Potential Adjournment